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Weathernews Participated in the #Earth Juku 2050
Introduced the Front lines of Weather Forecasting to Local Junior and Senior High School Students in Chiba
Mar 28, 2024
At Weathernews, sharing knowledge and experience in weather information services and disaster management support are extremely important. We also strive to nurture the next generation of meteorological human resources who will help with these issues. In December 2022, the Mainichi Newspaper sponsored "#Earth Juku 2050" at Weathernews' headquarters in Chiba City. Using a special digital globe display, along with talks on the latest technology in weather forecasting, we introduced the platform on which we make our weather forecasts by integrating with information from weather reporters all over Japan. The event provided an opportunity for local Chiba Prefecture students to experience the forefront of weather forecasting. The seminar focused on questions such as “Why is climate change happening?" and "Are there any measures to stop global warming?” The answers to these questions were sought by asking the students about their ideas, and clues for solutions were offered through our expertise on climatology. By combining numerical weather data analysis with eye-servation data (or sensory data) consisting of real-time weather reports with photos and text from all over Japan, a wide range of purposes can be satisfied, from predicting the blooming of cherry blossoms to detecting guerrilla thunderstorms which are very difficult to predict. We also shared with the students that having access to weather information not only in times of disaster, but also on a daily basis, will enable immediate access to information in times of emergency, and help build the foundation for a disaster-resilient society. Students who participated in the seminar commented, "While the use of AI is advancing, I thought it was important to incorporate things that only humans can do." "I was interested in the fact that people work together to help many people. I want to use this as a reference for my future path." Kiyoteru Morita, senior meteorologist at Weathernews, remarked, "Both knowledge and observed data are constantly changing. I hope that you will think for yourselves and further develop your knowledge.” Weathernews currently employs over 1,000 staff, who have gathered together from many parts of the world with a passion for weather and climate. The foundation of our weather services is the enthusiasm of all our staff, and we believe that these efforts to raise weather and climate literacy among students will lead to the development of valuable human resources in future meteorology. ▼Related Themes Theme04/Diversity & Inclusion