
Privacy Policy

Weathernews Inc., located at Makuhari Techno Garden, Nakase 1-3 Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba, 261-0023, JAPAN and its affiliates, etc. within the European Economic Area (the "EEA") and the United Kingdom (the “UK”) (collectively, the "Company") shall adopt this Privacy Policy as a data controller, and shall comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) of the European Union (the "EU") and other EU Member States' laws on data protection and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (the “UK GDPR”) with regard to processing the personal data of natural persons ("Data Subject") which was submitted or disclosed to the Company by the Data Subject themselves or was received or obtained through a third party. This Privacy Policy informs the Data Subject of the Company’s way of collecting and using the personal data, the categories of personal data that the Company processes, the purposes and legal basis for such processing, as well as the rights and options that the Data Subject retains regarding their personal data.

  1. Collection and use of personal data
    • (1) The Company shall process the personal data lawfully and fairly.
    • (2) The Company may obtain the following personal data:
      • Personal data in business activities
        Personal data which is obtained when the Company performs its sales activities and provides its services (the name of the Data Subject, the name and address of the company's department to which the Data Subject belongs, job title, phone number, e-mail address, etc.).
      • Personal data in recruiting
        Personal data which is obtained from the job applicants in the course of the Company's review of the job applications (the items stated in the resume of the job applicants, such as their name, phone number, address, e-mail address, birthdates, etc.).
      • Personal data of current and former employees of the Company
        Personal data which is obtained regarding the compliance with labor-related laws and regulations as well as the business management (name, phone number, address, e-mail address, job title, birthdate, HR evaluation, etc.).
      • Personal data of customers and users of the Company website
        Personal data which is obtained by data entries or cookies in the customers' visiting the Company's website (IP address, location information, browsing history, and access time, etc.).
  2. Purposes and legal basis of personal data processing
    • (1) The Company shall process the personal data solely for the purposes of complying with the GDPR, the EU Member States' laws on data protection and the UK GDPR.
    • (2) The Company shall, as a general rule, process the personal data depending on the following legal basis, including:
      • Consent granted by the Data Subject granted in the case of processing the personal data for one or more specific purposes.
      • Processing for the performance of a contract (when required for the performance of a contract to which the Data Subject is party or for taking steps at the request of the Data Subject prior to entering into a contract).
      • Processing for the compliance with legal obligations (when required for the Company's complying with such legal obligation).
      • Processing for the purposes of the legitimate interests (when necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Company or any third party).
    • (3) The main purposes for which the Company shall process the personal data are the following:
      • Communication with the customers and provision of the Company's services
        The Company shall process the customers' personal data to provide them the services related to its business - that is, to respond to the customers' inquiries or communicate with them, to perform the Company's duties pursuant to the contract between the customers and the Company.
      • Direct marketing
        The Company shall process the customers' personal data to notify them of the latest information regarding the Company's services, seminars, exhibitions, company tours, etc. as well as to prepare the most suitable proposal regarding its services to the customers.
      • Response to the job applications during the Company's recruiting activities
        The Company shall process the personal data to handle the job application for the Company's recruiting activities and to perform its various personal and labor management procedures after the job applicant joins the Company.
  3. Transfers of personal data
    • (1) The Company shall internally share the personal data of the Data Subject with the Company’s affiliates,etc. within the EEA and the UK for the purposes stipulated in this Privacy Policy.
    • (2) The Company may provide the personal data to its service provider which processes the personal data on behalf of and under the instruction of the Company. Such service provider shall bear the obligations concerning the appropriate safeguards with regard to the data processing based on the contracts or other legally binding instruments.
    • (3) In the event of a merger, reorganization, acquisition, joint venture, assignment, spin-off, transfer, or either sale or disposition of all or part of the Company's business (including those in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings), the Company may transfer any and all relevant personal data to any third party.
    • (4) The Company may be required to disclose the personal data by law, legal procedures, litigations, and/or requests from public and governmental authorities within or outside the residence country of the Data Subject. The Company may also disclose the personal data if the Company determines that it is necessary or appropriate to disclose the personal data for the purposes of national security, law enforcement, or other issues of public importance.
    • (5) The Company may disclose the personal data if the Company determines that it is reasonably required to disclose the personal data for the purposes of protecting the Company's rights, pursuing the available remedies, enforcing the Company's terms and conditions, investigating the misconducts, or protecting the Company's operations or the users.
    • (6) The Company may transfer the personal data to the third parties other than its affiliates, etc., and such third parties may be located outside the EEA or the UK. Such third parties include the cloud service vendors and the service providers. The personal data of Data Subject may be transferred to Japan or other third countries where the European Commission has not done its adequacy decision. The Company shall ensure that the personal data is adequately protected under the binding and enforceable commitments based on any contract or other legally binding instruments such as Standard Contractual Clauses. In the event that the Company concludes the Standard Contractual Clauses, the Data Subject may obtain a copy of the relevant documents by contacting the following.
    • Weathernews Help Desk (/contact/).
  4. Storage period of the personal data
    • (1) The Company shall not store any personal data of Data Subject for the period exceeding the one required for the purposes of processing the personal data.
    • (2) The Company shall erase the personal data when it is no longer required in light of the purposes that the Company obtained or used such data.
  5. Security of the personal data
    • (1) The Company shall strive to ensure the accuracy of personal data and, where necessary, keep them up to date.
    • (2) The Company shall implement the appropriate technical and organizational measures (including, for example, the technical measures to prevent hacking, computer viruses or the like) in order to ensure that the personal data should be protected against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage.
    • (3) The Company shall provide its employees with the training on protection and proper management of the personal data to ensure that the Company comply with the GDPR, other EU Member States' laws on data protection and the UK GDPR in the event of processing the personal data in daily business operations.
    • (4) The Company shall implement a personal data protection compliance program (including this Privacy Policy, the Personal Information Protection Regulations and other relevant documents) and make it available to its employees and other related parties for the purposes of implementing, maintaining, and continuously improving such program.
  6. Cookies
    • (1) The Company may use the cookies to provide the useful and valuable information to the customers.
    • (2) The cookies are the information stored on the computers of those who browse the Company's website, by way of the browser. The Company may use the cookies to grasp the access state about its website.
    • (3) The Company's website may sometimes set a link to the external websites. Please confirm such external websites which are the link destinations as for how the personal data is to be processed in such websites. The Company shall assume no responsibility whatsoever for the entry of the personal data outside its website.
    • (4) The Company's website may, for the purpose of improving its usability, contain some pages on which the collection tags are embedded to aggregate the customers' access data. Access data includes the URL of pages which the customers accessed, the access date and time, and the information identifying the browser, etc. The customers may opt-out the cookies via the opt-out page of the following company: Google analytics opt out add-on. However, when the cookies are disabled, some functions or services of the Company's websites or others may not work properly.
  7. Rights of the Data Subjects
    • When the Data Subject is located within the EEA or the UK, such Data Subject may, pursuant to the GDPR, other EU Member States' laws on data protection and the UK GDPR, as applicable, be entitled to the following rights:
      • Access to the personal data and its detailed information:
        The Data Subject shall be entitled to: (i) obtain the information regarding whether the personal data concerning the Data Subject is being processed (purposes of processing, categories of personal data, recipients, storage period or the criteria used to determine such storage period, information of the personal data); and (ii) acquire a copy of the personal data which is being currently processed;
      • Rectification of the personal data:
        The Data Subject shall be entitled to obtain the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning the Data Subject;
      • Erasure of the personal data:
        The Data Subject shall, when certain requirements are met, be entitled to obtain the erasure of personal data concerning the Data Subject without undue delay;
      • Restriction on processing of personal data:
        The Data Subject shall, when certain requirements are met, be entitled to obtain the restriction of processing the personal data;
      • Objection to processing of personal data:
        The Data Subject shall, when certain requirements are met, be entitled to object to the processing of personal data concerning the Data Subject;
      • Data portability of the personal data:
        The Data Subject shall, when certain requirements are met, be entitled to receive the personal data concerning the Data Subject and to transmit such data to another controller;
      • Withdrawal of the consent:
        The Data Subject shall be entitled to withdraw the consent to processing of the personal data concerning the Data Subject (; provided, however, that such withdrawal shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on the consent before such withdrawal); and
      • Not to be subject to the automated decision-making:
        The Data Subject shall, when certain requirements are met, be entitled not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal or similar effects on the Data Subject.
    • If intending to exercise the foregoing rights, please refer to the contact section below.
    • I If the Data Subject:(i) is not satisfied with the way how the Company has handled his/her request; or (ii) has any complaint regarding the way how the Company processes his/her personal data, the Data Subject may file a complaint against the data protection supervisory authorities.
  8. Contact
    • For any inquiry or requests regarding the Company's processing of the personal data, please contact our Wethernews Help Desk (/contact/).

Enacted on September 4, 2019
The Company shall notify any changes or modifications of this Privacy Policy via this Company's website.

- WNI Cookie Policy (/cookie-policy/)