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Special Workshop about Unmanned Vessels--Learning How Weather Information Can Benefit Society
A Joint Endeavor in the Nippon Foundation MEGURI2040 Project

Nov 29, 2021

Weathernews is participating in the "Ashitanofune Unmanned Vessel" initiative organized by the Nippon Foundation (hereinafter referred to as "Foundation").
This initiative is part of the "MEGURI 2040 Project" and aims to increase awareness of social issues and help foster interest in meteorology in the young generation through special workshops about unmanned ships and weather forecasting technology.
By looking at the business of Weathernews, students caught a glimpse of the value of weather information and how it can benefit society.

80 students from the fifth grade class at the Kaihin Utase Public Elementary School participated in a special workshop held at the Unmanned Vessel Onshore Support Center--located in the same building as the Weathernews head office--to learn about unmanned vessels and the state-of-the-art technologies and systems that support vessel operations. Stepping inside the operation center of Weathernews, they saw how weather information is used to help ship voyages--including that of unmanned vessels--and how it can support the daily lives of people.

The Onshore Support Center was established in conjunction with the “Designing the Future of Fully Autonomous Ships Project” (the “DFFAS Project”), which is part of the "Joint Program for Technological Development of Unmanned Ships Demonstration Experiment" (*1) conducted by the Nippon Foundation. 30 companies in Japan participate(*2) in the project, including Weathernews.

Students learning about unmanned vessels.

Unmanned vessels are expected to help solve a variety of issues such as sea accidents and related marine pollution, as well as the shortage of human resources in the shipping industry. In addition, unmanned vessels are being researched and developed as a potential industry where Japan's advanced technologies including IoT, AI, and image analysis can be applied. As part of this, Weathernews is leading the project in developing a "route planning system” for unmanned vessels.

Some of the young participants remarked that they "now know how weather information is important for ships, airplanes, and trains," and were "surprised that such an amazing Center is located so close to (them) in Makuhari.”

Students taking a tour around the Weathernews Global Center.

We will continue to realize the future dream of unmanned vessel voyages by providing quality forecasts and sea route information.
Weathernews is a private weather company with 1,000+ professionals who are committed to providing the best information in regards to weather and climate. We hope to find additional opportunities to encourage the young generation to gain an interest in weather, and as a result, help raise the next generation of meteorological human resources.

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(*1) A subsidy program established to support the development of unmanned operations of coastal liner vessels by building momentum for further technological development in this field and promoting the transformation of Japan's logistics, economy, and social infrastructure through the success of the world's first demonstration test.

(*2)Enterprises participating in the DFFAS project:
Japan Marine Science Inc [Representative company], IKOUS Corporation, Weathernews Inc., EIZO Corporation, MTI Corporation, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, NTT DoCoMo, Inc., NTT Communications Corporation, Kinkai Yusen Co., Sunfrem Corporation, Sanwa Dock Co., Japan, Hamwage Corporation, Japan Marine United Inc., SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation, Suzuyo Shipping Co., Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Tokyo Keiki Co., Nabtesco Corporation, Nippon Shipping Co.,Ltd., Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha Line, Nippon Shipyard Co., Japan Radio Co., BEMAC Corporation, pluszero Corporation, Furuno Electric Co., Honda Heavy Industries Co. Ltd., Miura Industry Co., Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd., Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc., YDK Technologies, Inc.