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Proactively Recruiting Diverse Nationalities and Provide Fair and Equal Opportunities for Employment and Personal Development
A place where diverse human resources combine their talents to help people prepare against weather and climate

Nov 01, 2021

Since our early days, we set no limitations in employment opportunities with respect to nationality. This has helped cultivate a wonderful environment where staff from different cultures aspire to become experts in meteorology and help people around the globe to the best of their capability.

Approximately 30% of all new graduates hired in the past few years are from nations other than Japan. One initiative to discover young talents is our two-month internship program provided to students in several parts of the world. We hope this opportunity to actually work with our engineers will help them experience our business activities and sympathize with our vision.

Presentation by a participant of our internship program

In regards to communication in the actual work environment, simultaneous interpretation is provided for company-wide meetings and training sessions. Our staff also enjoy self-organized activities for cross-cultural communication and exchange. These are only a few examples of our efforts to become a place where each individual can grow and perform their best.
Online cross-cultural exchange activity

We believe in providing equal and fair employment opportunities to the talents around the world who share our vision and fostering a work environment where individuals can realize their potential.

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Theme04/ Diversity and Inclusion