News & Press Release
Weathernews Participates in Asia's Largest Weather Conference
InterMET Asia 2018
Exchanging ideas with representatives from industry, government, and academia to achieve disaster reduction on a global scale
Singapore Office >Weathernews Inc. participated in InterMET Asia 2018, held at Singapore's Suntec City from April 11 to 12. Held annually since 2014, it is Asia's largest weather conference. This year more than 500 people representing institutions, companies, and organizations from about 50 countries attended. Participants exchanged ideas on how to mitigate the risks of disaster caused by extreme weather and climate change. As part of the main session held on April 11, Weathernews Executive Officer, Tomohiro Ishibashi gave a presentation on the utilization of user information and communication tools to forecast extreme weather events. He described the company's efforts to leverage user information to more accurately predict sudden torrential rain and showed weather radar content created using machine learning. Many issues related to data handling and the maintenance of observation infrastructure in developing countries were discussed during the event, and we learned that our latest technologies could possibly play a part in solving these issues.
In addition, Weathernews Chief Service Officer, Daisuke Abe, participated as a panelist in one of the InterMET Asia–World Bank–GFDRR Special Sessions, held on April 10. He exchanged views with other panelists representing industry, government, and academia, on how to leverage the strengths of their respective fields in order to share data in a way that will maximize the effective use of the world's weather information.
As a company that provides weather information services to customers in various markets around the world, Weathernews will continue to cooperate and collaborate with organizations from various countries in our efforts to stimulate the global weather market and leverage the latest technologies to reduce global weather risks.