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Four Solutions for the Shipping Industry in Addressing Environmental Issues
Reducing CO₂ Emissions with Digital Technology and Innovation

Nov 29, 2021

The increase of extreme weather due to climate change has led to the Paris Agreement and the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations, calling for a variety of initiatives to prevent global warming and protect the global environment. Such efforts are being implemented in many industries and nations.
One example in the shipping industry is that the IMO (International Maritime Organization) has declared to reduce CO₂ emissions to half by 2050. Weathernews will launch the "Environmental Flight Support Service" by 2022 in four stages to address environmental issues with digital technology.

As Stage 1, we started our Navigation Assessment & Routing (NAR) service in May 2021 to prevent grounding accidents and protect the marine environment. In September 2021, Stage 2 began with the Carbon Intensity Monitoring (CIM) service, which supports the reduction of CO₂ and other greenhouse gases.

CIM is designed to measure and visualize CO₂ emissions as well as the environmental performance of vessels.
CO₂ emissions can be monitored real time during the voyage, and the environmental performance will be assessed after the voyage is completed based on CO₂ emissions, fuel consumption, and the distance sailed. As a principle, collecting and confirming operational data is essential in order to calculate CO₂ emissions during marine transportation. Our CIM service has been certified by the Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (Class NK) to do this.

Image of CIM display

Stage 3, soon to be rolled out next year, is the Voyage Planning Protection (VPP ) service to compensate for economic loss from increased voyage time and fuel consumption due to extreme weather conditions. The fourth and final stage, also to be launched next year, is Marine Carbon Blocking (MCB) to evaluate CO₂ emission reductions.
MCB uses blockchain technology to objectively assess CO₂ emission reductions and assist the industry in its efforts to address climate change.
Environmental Voyage Support Service by Weathernews

We continue to explore new ways beyond daily forecasts to address climate change and severe disasters by creating value together with our supporters--customers, shareholders, and partners--around the world.

*For details on NAR, please refer to the press release "Weathernews Announces Launch of Navigation Assessment and Routeing (NAR) Service in May 2021" published on April 6, 2021.

*For details on CIM, please refer to the press release "Full-Scale Launch of CIM (Carbon Intensity Monitoring) Service" published on October 25, 2021.

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