Pollen Robo

Proprietary Pollen Observation Instrument Measures Pollen with Glowing Eyes
The proprietary pollen observation robots are set along the eaves and on the verandas of 1,000 homes, hospitals and companies throughout Japan. The robot is 15cm in diameter, and is designed to look like a person’s face. The instrument gives a pollen count in the amount of air a human intakes in a single inhale and the eyes light up. There are five colors that represent different levels of pollen in the air.
There are five eye colors that indicate the amount of pollen being measured (white, blue, yellow, red and purple)

Pollen Channel
- Smart Phone App “Weathernews Touch” (Japanese only)
- https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/u-ezanyusu-tatchi/id302955766?mt=8 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=wni.WeathernewsTouch.jp
- Smart Phone Website “Weathernews”
- https://weathernews.jp/s/pollen
- Internet Website “Weathernews”
- https://weathernews.jp/pollen/