
News & Press Release

Weathernews Hosting Programming Competition

Weathernews Inc. (Chiba, Japan; CEO: Chihito Kusabiraki) is hosting a programming competition from December 15th 2017 to January 15th 2018. Weather service requires various kinds of weather data in order to provide content. Satellite data is one of the largest types data which creates difficulty in transfer and storage because of its volume. Therefore, development of a compression algorithm which can realize the compression of big data efficiently would be a significant contribution in the transferal and storing of this data. The participant who develops the best compression rate algorithm will be awarded on February 1st. The award ranges from 300 Thousand JPY to 1 Million JPY, depending on the winning algorithm’s compression rate. We are waiting for innovative and original compression algorithms from around the world.

Entry to Weathernews programming contest
Call for Satellite data compression algorithm, Maximum Award is 1 Million JPY

Weathernews provides original weather content by using various kinds of weather data from all around the world, such as data from WMO, weather satellites, ground observations and reports from individual contributors. Satellite data is one of the largest types of data used, which creates difficulty for transfer and storage because of its volume and size. Therefore, Weathernews is hosting this programming competition and calls for an innovative satellite data compression algorithm.

The competition will be held online from December 15th 2017 (Japan time) through January 15th 2018 (Japan time), with the support of AtCoder Inc.

Participants can submit solutions as many times as they like during this period. Judges from Weathernews will review the examples of source code and compression rate after the competition, and will decide the winner. The winner will be awarded* and paid at least 300 Thousand JPY, up to 1 Million JPY depending on the compression rate of the resulting algorithm. The details of problem statement and dataset to compress will be provided on the web (https://wn2017_1.contest.atcoder.jp) after December 15th (Japan time).

*Please note that if there is no solution that outperforms the compression rate of bz2, then no participant will receive an award.

About AtCoder Inc

AtCoder Inc. is a Tokyo-based company that hosts the web service AtCoder and that organizes programing competitions. AtCoder holds programming competitions over 60 times annually with over 1000 participants each time.

AtCoder Inc.


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