
February 2023 Shareholder Supporter Meeting
(held online)

We holds shareholder supporter meetings in order to have shareholder supporters gain a deeper understanding of the Company's philosophy and management strategies and to exchange opinions.

The briefing was held online so that shareholders and supporters from all over the country could participate.
Many shareholder supporters from all over the country participated, and it was an opportunity to gain a better understanding of our services and weather technology.


February 18, 2023 (Sat) 10:00 - 11:48


(1) Company profile, performance, and future initiatives
(2) Meteorological technology and projects
(3) Personal Services


Online (Web conferencing system "Zoom" & streaming distribution)


Representative Director         Chihito Kusabiraki
Director                 Tomohiro Ishibashi
Director                Masanori Yoshitake
Senior Managing Executive Officer    Sawato Hayashi
Managing Executive Officer        Daisuke Abe


※Video is in Japanese only

<Company Profile, Performance, Future Initiatives>

<Weather technology, Project>

<BtoS business>

Presentation materials(only Japanese)